How long is the walk around San Gimignano?

Things to do in San Gimignano

San Gimignano is a beautiful medieval hill town in Tuscany, Italy, known for its impressive towers and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. One of the best ways to explore the town is on foot, but many visitors wonder, “How long is the walk around San Gimignano?” In this article, we’ll answer that question and provide some tips for enjoying your walk.

The total length of the walk around San Gimignano depends on the route you take and how much time you spend exploring. The town is small enough that you can easily walk from one end to the other in about 20 minutes, but if you want to see everything, plan on spending at least a few hours.

One popular route is the “Rocca di Montestaffoli” circuit, which starts at the Porta San Giovanni and takes you around the town’s defensive walls, through the beautiful countryside, and up to the Rocca di Montestaffoli fortress. This walk is about 4.5 kilometers long and takes around 2 hours to complete, depending on how many stops you make along the way.

Another option is the “Via Francigena” route, which follows the ancient pilgrimage route from Canterbury to Rome. This route takes you through San Gimignano’s historic center and past some of the town’s most iconic landmarks, including the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Palazzo del Popolo. This walk is about 2.5 kilometers long and takes around 1 hour to complete.

No matter which route you choose, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water, especially if you’re visiting in the summer months when temperatures can soar. And don’t forget your camera – San Gimignano is a photographer’s paradise, with stunning views and charming streets at every turn.

In conclusion, the length of the walk around San Gimignano depends on the route you take and how much time you spend exploring. Plan on spending at least a few hours to see everything, and be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water. With its breathtaking views and rich history, San Gimignano is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Tuscany

San Gimignano activities

“Collect moments, not things”

Travel is an experience made up of encounters and acquaintances, of sharing passions.

Interact with the people, history and traditions of San Gimignano, participate in unforgettable San Gimignano activities that enrich, affect all the senses and create intimate bonds with the territory.

You will return home not only with photos but with the memories and emotions that only an authentic experience can give.

Discover the experiences on San Gimignano Experience:

How San Gimignano Experience works


Choose your experience, select date and check prices online, send an availability request to the organizer of the experience.

(In the note of availability request it is possible to write a question or make a request to the organizer)


The organizer of the experience confirms the availability for the dates requested, answers any questions and sends you instructions to confirm the reservation.


After that, all you have to do is enjoy your unforgettable booked experience.

Some experiences need time to be organized, so it is advisable to book in advance.


Request a tailor-made experience in Tuscany for you. Write what you would like to do and where you would like to go you can also request more activities to be done on the same day or in several days.